Introduction to Psychology
Position Paper Rubric
Position Paper RUBRIC
Proficient with Distinction
Partially Proficient (high)
Partially Proficient (low)
Below Proficient
Substantially below proficient
Thesis Statement
Developed a
persuasive, relevant and analytical thesis and included it in the appropriate
place in the paper.
Developed persuasive
and a relevant thesis and included it in the appropriate place in the paper.
Developed a relevant
thesis and included it in the appropriate place in the paper.
Developed minimally
relevant thesis statement and included it in the paper.
Thesis statement lacks
relevancy and needs to be developed further.
A thesis statement
is not included in the paper.
Evidence and Examples
All the evidence and
examples are specific, relevant.
Explanations are
provided to show how the piece of evidence supports the authors positions
There are many
convincing examples of evidence that support the thesis.
Some explanations are
provided to show how the piece of evidence supports the authors position
There are some
examples that support the thesis.
Some explanation are
provided to show how the piece of evidence supports the authors position
There are limited examples
that support the thesis
Elaboration is weak
There are limited or no examples that support the thesis
Elaboration is weak or
Examples are
nonexistent or do not support the authors positions.
Elaboration is weak or
Organization, format,
(MLA Formating)
All paragraphs have a
strongly developed topic sentence.
All sentences are
well-constructed with varied structure.
No errors in spelling,
capitalization, or punctuation
All paragraphs have a
well developed topic sentence.
All sentences are
well-constructed with varied structure.
No errors in spelling,
capitalization, or punctuation
Most paragraphs have a well developed topic sentence.
Most sentences are
well-constructed with varied structure.
1-2 errors in spelling,
capitalization, or punctuation
Topic sentences are
good in most paragraphs.
Sentences are not
well-constructed or do not have varied
More than 2 errors in
spelling, capitalization, or punctuation
Topic sentence are not
well constructed or misplaced
Few or many errors in
spelling, capitalization, or punctuation
Topic sentence are not
well constructed, non-existent or misplaced in the paragraph
errors in spelling,
capitalization, or punctuation are a distraction from the content of the
Reference Page
Attached and correctly
Number of sources
exceeds expectation
Attached and correctly
Number of sources
exceeds expectation
Attached and correctly
Number of sources
meets expectation
Attached but not
correctly formatted.
Number of sources
meets expectation
Attached but
incorrectly formatted.
Number of sources does
not meet expectation
Not provided
Attached but
incorrectly formatted.
Number of sources does
not meet expectation
Not provided
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